Frequently Asked Questions

Where does Minnesota Mulch and Soil deliver?

Minnesota Mulch and Soil delivers throughout the Twin Cities Metro area.

Is there a delivery charge?

Yes, usually $200 for the Twin Cities Metro area. Please confirm as the delivery charge can change based on location and material.

Is there a delivery minimum?

Yes, we have a 20 cubic yard minimum for delivery.

How much mulch do I need?

Approximately 1 cubic yard for 100 square feet at 3″ deep. You can check out our guide as well.

How often do I need to replenish or re-mulch?

Approximately every 2 to 3 years depending on the type of mulch.

Can we pick up the products?

No, our sites are not open to the public or equipped for self-loading.

When should I mulch?

Fall is the best time, but mulching can be done at anytime.

What do I need to do before I apply mulch?

You’ll need to remove all weeds and till the soil.

Can I visit the site?

No, our sites are closed to the public and for commercial use only.